Sunday, November 27, 2011


1. View this video on creating effective PowerPoint presentations:

2. Here is the Presentation Rubric:
Grading Rubric
Total pts: 20Excellent
Title Slide
Title Slide lists the title, your name, presentation title, any important information AND
is formatted correctly.
Title Slide lists most of the required elements and is formatted correctly.
Title Slide lists some of the required elements Or is not formatted correctly.
Title slide is missing most required elements AND
is not formatted correctly.
Intro, Body, Conclusion Slides
10 required slides with relevant information.
Speaker is well informed and elaborates beyond the displayed material.
8 required slides with relevant information.
Speaker is well informed and elaborates a bit beyond the material displayed.
6 required slides with relevant information.
Speaker brings little knowledge to the presentation beyond what is displayed
5 or fewer slides OR slides do not contain relevant information.
Speaker simply reads the material displayed.
Slides are attractive. Text is in 30pt font and legible. No grammatical errors. Graphics and effects are used throughout to enhance presentation. Information is at an advanced level and consistently supports images.
Text is in 30pt font and legible. No grammatical errors. More than half of the slides use graphics and effects to enhance presentation. Information adequately supports images.
Slides are legible. Amount of text is too great for the amount of space provided. Some grammatical errors. Less than half the slides have graphics or effects. Information supports images at times.
The slides are not legible. The amount of text is too great for the space provided. There are several grammatical errors. There is little use of graphics or effects. The information does not consistently support images.
The presentation is well coordinated. All material is presented using language that is original. It does not appear written down. Student speaks in a clear voice and varies from slides; does not simply read from slide
The presentation is well coordinated. Most material is presented in original language and not as it is written on the screen or page. Speaks directly to audience.
The presenter makes minimal eye contact with the audience. Everything is read directly from the screen or page.
The presenter makes no contact with the audience. Everything is read directly from the screen or page.
Sources of information are properly cited in a concluding slide so that the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presented.
Most sources of information use proper citation and sources are documented in a concluding slide to make it possible to check on the accuracy of information.
Sometimes copyright guidelines are followed and some information, photos and graphics are not properly cited in a concluding slide.
No copyright guidelines are followed and some information, photos and graphics do not use proper citations. No concluding citation slide.

Adapted from Rcampus:

3. See this page for information on citing images and copyright.


  1. I feel the presentation video was very helpful. When I was in high school and I constructed power points I always put a ton of information on each slide and ended up finishing with a total of 20 slides. I feel it will be much easier to compose a slide of 6 or fewer words and 30 font. I will need to practice a lot and create successful notes. I feel like I should make and outline for each slide that will allow me to easily transition from slide to slide. I am excited to create this power point and I feel like this presentation will help me in the future.

  2. I think that watching the video on how to make a good power point presentation was helpful and it provided things that I could keep in mind while creating my own presentation. In the video they suggested that you only include a couple of words in each slide and to also put a picture in the background that covers the whole screen. By doing this your power point slide will not be crowded with information. The rubric was also very helpful; this would also allow me to make sure I had all the necessary things to make a good presentation. In addition, the points that were given about citing images I thought were also useful, however if I use Google images I hope I will be able to find all the necessary information to do the correct citations.

  3. Sammy,
    I had the same problem in high school, I would always put multiple bullet points and have a lot of information on just one slide. I think its a good idea to have good notes during your presentation that way you can explain the picture and the few words you have on each slide. I also hope to have good notes during my presentation so I can explain the information that I found for my paper and people can understand the information that im eplaining.

  4. Irene,
    I like the idea of making a picture as your background. It demonstrates a powerful statement and the viewers will be impressed. I forgot about adding pictures and I feel that is an excellent idea. I will be sure to add pictures and maybe even a video demonstrating the feeling of being at a baseball fan.

  5. This was really, really helpful for me. First of all I had no idea about how to put notes into my power point before this. I always had to use note cards, which is a lot less convenient. In the video it said how you are only to have a few words per slide, which is new to me. However, everything he was saying made a lot of sense to me. It looked a lot more professional to have less words. Also, when the man talked about how images make the power point more interesting. This was the most helpful because it taught me how to make people more interested in my power point.

  6. @Sammy Testa Sammy I completely agree. This is all so new to me. In high school I would have power points with tons of words on them. It was like I was writing a book through my power point. I noticed when I would conduct the power point students would get so bored. However, now with these new tips I am sure I can get people more interested in my presentation.

  7. The presentation video was very helpful because it gave a lot of helpful tips on how to make the presentation in power point more interesting. One of the most helpful tips was the one about using less words because most people would just fill the whole slide with as much words as possible instead of using footnotes like he suggested in his presentation. Also another idea that I plan on using is to use pictures because pictures are more interesting and will keep the attention of my audience will I am presenting the power point. I plan on focusing only on the important information and not discuss everything in my paper.

  8. I thought that the key to a good power point would be in its ability to catch the viewers attention while supplying them with enough information for them to full understand the topic that I'm trying to get across. After watching this I now realize that A large amount of slides isn't a good thing but nether is a small amount of slides. Finding a good average is very important. I think this will help me a lot in making my presentation a good one.

  9. This video was extremely helpful to me starting to create my presentation. I've always packed my slide shows with a lot of words that were really unnecessary to have on each slide. Along with that, I usually forget to add pictures and my presentations tended to be bland. The video has now given me guidelines on how to make my presentation better. The rubric for the presentation was also very helpful. I now can see what exactly I need to do in order to receive all the points I can possibly get in this project.

  10. This video was very interesting, and helped guide me in a certain direction. I knew a good amount about power point before this, but this video helped even more. It helped specify and zone in on what this assignment entails. A few words per slide is better in my eyes, and it takes the attention away from just words. Pictures add a great aspect to this, and will make it more appealing. The man said images make it more interesting. Now, I am prepared to make a good, simple, not boring power point.

  11. This was helpful to watch because I never knew about the notes that can be written and hidden at the bottom of the presentation. By doing this for this presentation I will be more prepared and organized with what points I want to cover. I also thought that it was a good thing that he talked about not being too wordy on slides and keeping them simple. This way the audience will not feel overwhelmed or bored. One last thing that really stuck out to me was the part that talked about putting pictures in my power point. This is another way to catch the attention of the audience and also is a good way to emphasize what you are talking about.

  12. @Jenna
    Jenna, I felt the same way about the video. I was unaware that I could even add notes into a powerpoint presentation like that and now I can fully understand how to do it. I'm glad the video helped you like it did with me (:

  13. @JennaJenna, just like you I did not know how to add notes into my power point and by having less words it does make it look a lot more professional and like you actually know what your talking about instead of just reading what is already on the screen. Pictures do make the power point more interesting and helps keep the attention of your audience.

  14. I thought the video was extremely helpful. It pointed out tips I never knew about power point, such as how many words per slide, how many slides you should have, and even the size of the font you should use. This can either be easier or harder, it may be a little bit more difficult to think of only six words to describe the picture and all thoughts that I need to express. This video also helped describe what you should do while publicly presenting any slides, this is an important tool, especially since I haven't taken a college-level speech class. All the information on this post will help me in determining how I am going to put the presentation together, the rubric describes, in detail, how the presentation should come together and the requirements to make it the best it could be.

  15. @benjamin nothstein Enough information will be in your notes, along with the simple information in your actual power point. The whole point of the minimal amount of words is to catch the attention and make the audience actually read the words, rather than just looking at a bunch of words. It doesn't matter how many slides you have, just make each slide appealing and simple. Your power point will be perfect if you grab our attention.

  16. There are many things that this video has helped me learn and that I will incorporate into my presentation. I have never heard of the 10-20-30 rule prior to viewing the video and I think this is a very viable approach to getting your point across. I plan to use this rule within my powerpoint presentation. Also, the notes tool on the program will be very helpful with condensing the amount of information on one slide. The only issue with this is that I would need two monitors to view all of the information I need. To solve this problem I will simply print out the notes that I need to conduct my powerpoint presentation.

  17. I found the video very informational and gave me some good points on how to complete a presentation successfully. The grading rubric was very specific and gives excellent guidelines for the paper. I don't understand why I need to have physical notes with me though. We are supposed to have size thirty font and not supposed fill the slide with information, only six words per bullet point. You are also supposed to cite the pictures that you use during your presentation. Google Images has an advanced image search that allows you to only use images that are legal and can be modified.

  18. Watching the power point presentation video helped have a better understanding of how to create a more effective power point presentation. I didn't know that there was a standard print size that you should use, which is size thirty-two (32), and that you should limit ideas to phrases. In the video it mentioned about writing only six (6) words to a bullet point. It's good to keep things simple in power point presentations so people can follow your thoughts in the short amount of time you give your presentation. The video also advises to use interesting pictures as a background and use the open spaces in the picture to type information. I was also surprised that the video encourages power point presentations to be limited to twenty (20) slides. This helps to keep attention and to maximize information in a short amount of time. The video was very informative and interesting, like a power point presentation should be. I hope to practice the advice given in this video to help do well on my presentation.

  19. @Gabby
    Yes this video also gave me a lot of helpful tips, Hopefully this will make for a better paper. Foot notes are also a good idea to have in your paper. Pictures are a big key in your presentation because it is needed to capture the viewers attention. I hope this video helps you in your power point as well as mine.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. i Enjoyed this presentation it helped me to see things that i didn't previously know as well it refreshed my mind of things I had learned in the past but simply forgot about. I had previously noticed the notes however was unaware of how to use them. The use of pictures was also very interesting. I liked how he took the images and make it the focal point of the slide instead of a smaller focus. It was a very helpful presentation about presentations.

  22. @Jenna
    I agree, this was very helpful because I did not know about making notes at the bottom either. I think that by also adding pictures the presentation can be so much more interesting. I think that by following the instructions that this guy told us, we can all have very good power point presentations.

  23. @Scott Hyland I am glad that this video was as helpful to you as it was to me. You could print out notes so that you can go off of them as you make your presentation. This will help your presentation have better flow and will limit the number of things that you could forget. Perhaps you can make your entire backround of a slide a picture to grab even more attention from your viewers.

  24. @Pasha Ransford

    I think that condensing your notes is an excellent idea, and that most likely everyone will. I don't agree with printing out slides to use them as notes, but unfortunately it is part of the assignment. I would prefer that we just "free ball" and just study before the presentation.

  25. This presentation was very helpful because I never knew how to create notes on Microsoft PowerPoint. It is very helpful because it allows you to see information during your presentation to help you get a good understanding of what to say. This helps you put less information on your slide so the people watching do not get overwhelmed with information. I will definitely be referring to this video when I make it. Also, the rubric shows you exactly what you have to do to get a good grade. I believe with this blog I will get a good grade on my presentation because now I have a firm understanding on how to make a successful PowerPoint presentation.

  26. The presentation on how to make better power points was something I was taught before but none the less it was very helpful. The big piece of information I needed to review was how I can post notes at the bottom of my slides. That section will be very useful for my project because I can help remind myself of quotes or stories that coaches have said in the realm of my topic. Also the notes will help keep on track so that I do not start talking about less relevant matters in the world of NCAA sports.

  27. @ Joel

    The grading rubric is fairly specific. I intend to use it to help my presentation. I like guidelines, especially in grading. It is helpful. The physical notes though keep you on the right track so you don't ramble and lose your train of thought. Sometimes with speeches, people want to give detail and go on "bunny trails." I think that's what its purpose is.

  28. @Benjamin Nothstein i liked that you pulled out a different focus point the presenter commented on. you make a very good point that finding an happy medium in the amount of slides used is important. It seems having more slides with fewer words is the way to go however sometimes it is okay to have a few more words memorized then to have them on the slide making the presentation stretch on and on.

  29. After watching the video and reading over the power point rubric, I have a much better idea of how to make my power point the best it can be. I really like the idea that we will be able to put notes on our power point that only we can see. In this way we will be able to add to the information on the actual slide by reading from our notes. I also really like how we are making ten slides that have a small but appropriate amount of information so that our slides don't get too confusing. I really think that this will make it easier for everyone to understand the power point presentation and not get too overwhelmed by the information. I believe that this gives everyone the most important information right away. I also think it's good that we are using graphics and effects throughout our presentation because this will draw the audience in and give them a better idea of what the presentation is about. I think the video and rubric offer a lot of helpful information and I think by following these tips I will be able to create a great presentation.

  30. Sammy, I totally agree that composing a fewer amount of slides with 6 or fewer words in 30 font will make for a much better presentation. I did the same thing as you in previous power point presentations and would write a ton of slides with way more than 6 words on each of them. I think this made my presentations more confusing to my audience because instead of getting the main points they were hit with way too much information. I also think that it will take a lot of practice and good notes to make the presentation the best it can be. I think with these tips our presentations will be great!

  31. In accordance with the majority of the previous comments I found myself working on high school power point projects that had at least a paragraph in each slide. I feel like the way that this video promotes how to create an affective power point holds true to the meaning of the power point presentation. A power point is supposed to be an attractive visual that acts as a guide, aiding the viewers in following along with the presenter's main focus point. If a power point in any way causes lost attention from the audience it is simply not standing up to its purpose. What was surprisingly new to me was the idea of having at least 30 size font. However It makes sense because it challenges the presenter to be simple which helps keep the audience's interest.

  32. This video was very informative and really changed my ideas of how to create a PowerPoint. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people create a PowerPoint and read word for word from it. Even though I try hard not to do that, after seeing this video the presentations I've done in the past were definitely still to wordy. I also liked the way he used a picture with empty space as the background and used that space for words. I will definitely try to use this in my presentation because I think it made the PowerPoint nicer looking and more professional. Overall, all of the tips that were presented in this video will be important to follow when making my own PowerPoint for my research paper.

  33. @Jenna

    I had some of the same reactions as you after watching this video. I had never heard of using only six words per slide. I've tried in the past to not include to much information on my slides but now I know that I should include even less. I wish that more people would watch this video before creating a PowerPoint. I also thought his ideas about including pictures made the PowerPoint more interesting and I also plan to use this to make mine more interesting.

  34. @Kaila Ober
    I also never knew about the area under the slides where you can include the notes. I am interested to see how well my presentation goes because I rarely ever had to present with the majority of my information unavailable to the audience. This is how I feel presentations should be done.

  35. After watching this video, I thought it was very interesting and helpful in many ways. Some of the points that were brought up in this presentation, I have not done correctly in the past. I put many words definitely more than 6 and the font was less than 30. Also, I learned how to add pictures in and make the more noticeable in the slides better as well. Pictures are more interesting to an audience anyways. The rubric for the PowerPoint is also a great use. It tells all the little details you need to add in you presentation to get the best grade you can and not to forget anything.

  36. Wheeleraj,
    I think that everyone has learned how to put notes at the bottom of the pages like that after watching the presentation. I believe it will also keep the presenter on the topic they seek to explain and even make it more interesting for their audience instead of reading everything off the slides, which could be a lot of information in the end.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This presentation clip showed me how to present a perfect powerpoint. It helped me with increasing my font size, where to find images, not to be too wordy, how to write notes at the bottom of the page to keep in mind what you want to discuss, and how to appeal to the audience when it comes to clearly speaking and at a good tone. You also definately do not want to have too many slides because that could make the presentation very boring. I will use these helpful tips to my advantage to create a well written and structured presentation. The rubric helped me understand how the information should be presented using specific tools. So, this really helped me design my powerpoint. As for images, I searched on advanced image search and and found pretty interesting pictures I can use in my powerpoint.

  39. Lauren,
    I am glad that you learned a lot from this presentation. It is important to keep in mind that there should not be a lot of information on your slide and that you need to have a 30 point font. Pictures are the main focal point for an audience and it is important to include one on each slide. The rubric helped me as well when it came to figuring out just how much Dr. Arichbald really wants within our presentation.

  40. @Jenna
    When i was originally taught how to make power points i found one tip for picking pictures really useful. If possible put your presentation on a larger screen and view it from a distance. The reason to do this is because computer monitors have so many pixels it makes things easier to see. Hope you can use this information like i have

  41. @Paige
    I agree with you, this was definitely a huge help with making the presentation.This information can be helpful to anyone, and could have helped me in high school. I don't know what you're report is on, but there are surely enough pictures for you to choose from and complete a perfect presentation.

  42. While watching this video I realized just how many times I did what is not suppose to be on there. I would put a topic on a slide and have all of these bullets and then follow that with more bullets. I have never used the part of the presentation where you can have your notes at the bottom of the slide for only you to see. It makes me much more efficient to do it that way so that you aren't going through papers trying to find your talking points. They are right there in front of you. I like the idea of adding in pictures, I don't know how many I will be able to find on my topic but will shoot to put some in to make the presentation more interesting.

  43. The presentation video helped a lot with the technical part of the presentation. What needs to go where, and how to make it look the best. What I got most out of it was to take a chance and use images, because I usually don't.
    I plan on applying all of the tips used in the video in my presentation. The font size, hooking the audience, and paraphrasing to name a few.

  44. @Natasha Mosier
    It's good that you've realized what you're doing wrong so that now you can start doing it right. I also found the extra notes very interesting and feel like it should be very helpful.

  45. This blog post on presentations is going to help me so much with my own presentation. There was a lot of great information that I can use when going about my presentation. Like for example how many words can be on a slide. I never knew that rule before and it is going to be something handy that I can also use in the future on other reports. I never knew that there was a certain limit of words per slide before and now I know. This post also helped me get a better understanding of what I need to accomplish for my presentation in order to make it good.

  46. @Marianna Romejko
    I also agree that this presentation helped me a lot with what I have to do for my own presentation. I am glad that he put this up so that now I know what to use and what not to use because I also never use to use pictures.

  47. I learned a few things from watching the video on using Power Point. The first thing I learned was that the average number of words on a slide should be around six. The second thing that I learned about using Power Point is that images are encouraged. I kind of thought before that images were not as good as information on a slide. I knew about the notes section on the program, but I did not know about the presenter view. That information was very helpful. A few things that I learned from the rubric was what things Dr. Archibald is looking for on our final presentation. I saw what was needed to be successful in this assignment.

  48. @Marianna Romejko

    I agree that the presentation video revealed easy tricks to make a presentation look professional. I also think that the technical aspects of presentations are very important components since the presentation relies on visual resources so heavily.

  49. This was definitely helpful for me; I haven't done a presentation in a long time and I definitely would have used a lot more words on the slides. I never really thought of using images very much either for some reason, so I think it will make a big difference. The rubric is also helpful in that it explains what exactly needs to be done.

  50. @Shaina
    It bugs me too when people read the slides word for word, but I still always put all of my information on the slides so I guess that's just as bad. I'm sure my presentation will look much better with just 6 words per slide.

  51. I did many presentations using powerpoint all throughout high school. It is a simple and straight to the point way to get your topic across to your listeners. The best way to create a thorough powerpoint is NOT to be thorough. Use few words and use your voice to talk to the class and use detail when speaking to them. Face your audience and never read off the slide. Use the rubric to make sure you have enough detail and all of your slides cover everything you need in your powerpoint.

  52. @Alicia Whisler
    I do agree the the rubric is very helpful in creating a solid powerpoint. I never mentioned using images in my powerpoint but that is a great point. Having images in your powerpoint gives your listeners a visual to look at as you're speaking to them.

  53. During highschool, powerpoint was my presentation medium of choice. It is very organized and easy to read. The outline on grading is very fair, and should allow maximun points to be achieved without too much hassle. My presentation will be the ecomonic impacts of the NBA lockout, so I will have alot of names and numbers on my slides. My notes and speech will help to expand on those numbers and tell a story about stores closing etc etc.

  54. @Ian Shannon Alot of people think of power points as boring animated outlines, but they really are a manifestation of the point trying to be made. The images help make connections that maybe an outline would not have made.
