I feel this presentation was very useful because it is true I usually always pick my sources from the first page of Google search. I didn’t know there were so many useful research tools available. I feel that the one that would be most help and the one that I would probably select for my paper was Advanced tool. I need quality articles for my paper and knowing that an articles is frequently read will be of great assistance. Also the tool that allows you to look up the type of file is very helpful. This will allow me to know exactly what type of article I am dealing with and will help me narrow down my search.
I always use either Google or Bing to search for my topic. This is a great way to narrow things down without going through pages upon pages of different links. When I searched my topic through this method I found a few of the sites that I had previously viewed were on there as well. Some things that I had not even thought about looking up in reference to crash dieting came up. It just gives me more ideas as to what I can do with this paper. This will also help to narrow down the long list of sources that I have to more of what is on here.
Natasha, I agree this is a great way to help your paper. I recently started my paper and found that this was very helpful. It narrowed down my site links and it also took my paper in a different direction. It gave me extra keywords to look up my topic with and when doing so it helped specify my topic.
The presentation was very helpful in narrowing down my search for resources for my paper. I started with a basic search on serial killers and then reduced my search by advancing the reading level.6,950,00 to 50,100 wow what a difference. to advance my search even more I used the Gears advance search and looked only for pdf files since I would need a book source. The Gears advance search narrowed my search to 8,490 hits. The Google search presentation really helped me narrow my search and find reliable sources with great information.
I really enjoyed this Google search presentation. The presentation showed me a lot of helpful tools that Google has to offer that I never knew about before. When I search for something on Google, I always look at the first pages that appear. I have never done an advanced search before. Learning about this really made me see how I can find the exact information I am looking for by doing an advanced search. It also helps to filter all the information Google has to offer. I think this will help me greatly, especially with my bibliography and works cited pages. Already, I have completed some searches and have been able to find lots of new information just based on using the advanced search. I think this is very helpful and will be a beneficial tool for our paper.
Sammy, I agree with what you said about the advanced search being helpful in narrowing down your search. I think the advanced search tool is perfect for finding exactly what you are looking for. Sometimes when I am searching in Google, I may find a source that is close to what I'm looking for, but not exactly what I'm looking for. This advanced search will help to pinpoint what you are looking for and give you a more exact source. I'm looking forward to getting more information using this tool. I think it will also be beneficial when we are writing our papers because we will have information that we are confident in and that really relates perfectly to our topic.
@Jackie O'Donnellim so glad you were able to find better sources for you topic. I also felt the presentation was very helpful. By advance searching for our topic you will be able to find more information such as facts instead of commercial ads on fictional products based on serial killers.
I think that this presentation was very helpful. I remember learning how to do advanced searches earlier but I never would have thought of doing this for my research paper. I am glad that you had us look into the advanced part of Google search so that now I can find sources more easily and get sources that really help me research exactly what I need. This will help me narrow down what I am trying to find and will also help me sort out the sources that are educational (.edu) from the sources that are not. I have found many interesting links for my project so far and will continue to look for sources using Google’s advanced search.
I really found this Google search presentation interesting and useful. I was not aware of all these different tools before seeing this presentation. Also, I always use the first page to get my sources, which I think is true for many people. One of the features I like the most is how it narrows everything down. This makes looking for credible and persuasive sources so much easier. When I first started using this way to look up my sources, I found some that I have already found, but when I clicked related searches, it led me to new ideas. That helped me get a lot new information that will help my research paper in the end.
@Victoria Victoria I completely agree with your comments. I found this Google advanced search very helpful because it really helped narrow down my search. I feel like this way of searching has made my project ten times easier in getting the information that I need in order to write a good research paper. I am glad that it helped you narrow down your results also.
After reading this Google Search presentation, I found that there is a lot more information that can be cited for this paper. It really helped me because I can go to advanced search and look for a pdf file that will have up to date research from twenty four hours hour ago to twenty minutes ago about my topic. It is a lot more challenging to just type what you want in the google bar. It also gives you print source references that are beneficial to the works cited. I'm glad I have this to refer to for more information for my research paper.
Lauren, I am glad that the advanced search really helped you with your overall argument for the research paper. It is good to know that the realted searches tab helps to find information, but do not forget that in the advanced search you can find a print source for your paper.
I think it is a good idea that you are sorting the .edu’s from everything else because you cannot always rely on .com’s since anyone can put random information on those sites. You can also use .gov and .org. They are credible sources along with your .edu sources. Hope that helps you find more reliable sources!
This presentation on implementing Google's advanced search engine will definitely help my research. I've been searching too broad when I tried the library's search engine, and this engine works better since it finds related people and links. And also the option to search for a specific file type will further aid my research project. So long as I can remember all the steps involved, this will make the hard part of researching a little bit easier. In fact, I wish I had known about this method before when attempting large research projects. It would’ve made my life so much easier.
Paige, I was also intrigued by this advanced Google search. After watching the slide show presentation on how to use Google’s finer search engine, it opened up the possibilities on how to look up appropriate information on my topic. And I agree that the best features are its ability to find specific file types and time periods.
This tutorial on searching in google was very helpful and helped give me more of a direction in which to take my research paper. I thought I had narrowed by topic down fairly well but when I initially typed my topic into google I came up with over 400 thousand results. The topic I chose is a very current issue in Pennsylvania and I would like to focus on information that is current because of this. So by using the choices on the side to narrow the level of reading but also the recentness of the articles I found to very helpful. After only making a few decisions to look at articles of advanced reading that were posted within the last month decreased the results down to 248, which has made it much easier to navigate the articles and to find the most important information that will be important to my paper.
I plan on exploring the search options in google even more than I already have but I'm glad that you mentioned about searching the .edu because I had not realized that you could do that. I think that would be a good thing for everyone to do because often times websites that are .edu, .gov, etc. have more reliable information than .com.
The Google search presentation was very helpful because since most people whenever they want to do a search or look something up they use a Google search but many of them do not even know all of the resources and tools that Google offers. Since Goggles offers so many choices it is simpler to just look at the first page and hope that we are using the most reliable and accurate information. By narrowing down our choice we can focus more specific on our topics and use more advanced and updated information. for my research paper I plan on using more of the advanced search engines tools offered by Goggle.
@Shaina Shaina, I agree that the Google search presentation was very helpful.I think it was a good idea to narrow down your search to use more updated information but i think that maybe you could use even more specific to narrow down because even though 248 could give you a lot of options it could also be a lot to look at but i guess is better than 400 thousand.
This video was very helpful in helping me find the sources that I need to perfect my paper. I believe that it is very true, most people choose an item off of the first page of Google and go with it. With the advanced Google Search we can have more of a variety of sources that hold more information. I expect that this video will help me out a lot in finding my sources.
@Kaila Ober Not only will it help you narrow down what you are trying to find but it gives you a greater amount of information that you can use in your paper. It can also help you in other papers for other classes which is a great thing to have. The advanced search helps with not only this kind of research paper but papers for other topics as well!
This blog was very helpful in finding better more precise sources. My topic is money in sports and when I searched for information within my topic, almost everything I got from the first few pages in google search was opinions. Obviously when writing a research paper, opinion articles aren't much help. The slide that showed the reading level and file format search was the one that helped me the most. From those two specifications, I was able to find better sources that had studies behind them and offical reports from the MLB about tickets etc. I will definately be using these tips more and more!
@Paige The file format search tool was the biggest help to me too. Most or all of my previous search results were discussions and news articles. With the pdf results I got back studies and offical reports which gave me better more accurate information. The print source reference part is also very useful. The time specific tool I don't feel its needed up to twenty minutes ago unless that topic is currently being expanded.
I have to say, I can find almost anything on Google and use search modifiers like those shown, but I never knew about the "reading level" option! I couldn't believe it when I tried it because every time I search for academic stuff for class I always end up looking through one by one to pick out the ones that are journal articles/studies/etc, but with this feature I just chose advanced reading level and most of the results were academic type work. It's especially helpful because this paper focuses a lot on Facebook, and a regular search for anything with Facebook brings up tons of irrelevant links. I'll be doing some searching with this new method on Google and see what I come up with, but I've actually had some good results with the EBSCOhost search from the library. I tried it previously and wasn't really impressed, but this time it has been very helpful.
@Ben Donley Personally, I got the best results by setting the 'reading level' option to advanced. I wanted to respond to your comment the library search though; I wasn't able to get much helpful information from the library search on my last paper, but I think it depends on the topic, so you might want to keep it in mind and try it again sometime. I got much better results for the topic for this paper I'm doing now. Everything that it brings up is academic articles and books, etc. There are some advanced search options there too if you need them, but I haven't had to use them.
I feel that knowing this now would help me go beyond just the first page of Google so I can find more sources that I probably wouldn't have found if I didn't go through all these steps. For my Research Paper I mostly found my sources by either the first page of Google or by the library search at the Millersville homepage. Next time I have to do a research project I will use this so I can find more sources. What I found surprising was that this Advance Search of Google has so many steps so you can lower the results or hits you get at the beginning of your search.
This slide presentation and discussion in class really helped me figure out how to find information. Before this I never used the advanced search options. I feel that this will help me in the long run, not only for this paper, but for papers to come. It is amazing how much information Google has, and how much it can mislead you. This presentation will surely keep me away from sites that will offer me little to no help at all.
@dmlong When it comes to research papers you need many reliable sources, but who says you can't use an opinion article? You can say "In (article name here), (insert author name) says...." This can help with both sides of an argument, or even give a perspective from a professional. A research paper is the perfect time to give everyone's point of view.
After seeing this presentation it is going to help me so much with the research for my paper. For every paper I always use Google to look for sources so now it is going to be nice to find sources that will actually pertain to my topic. Also these sources will be great sources because of the advance search and of the reading level. I never knew that you could change the reading level I am so excited to find this out and use it for my research. I also like that you can pick a specific date to look for in your search and also a specific country.
@CLucas I agree with you that this presentation was very helpful for this project and also future projects as well. I liked how you mentioned that Google has so much information and now that with this advance search it is going to make searching so much easier and faster as well.
While viewing the presentation and completing my own version of it I came across a few interesting points and sources that I had not thought of searching. A lot of what I found in the initial search was about crimes impact on media which doesn't have anything to do with my thesis. After narrowing down the reading levels and making my search more specific I came began to find information that was more suited to my topic.
@Rachel Rachel, I'm glad you found a better way to use Google since the internet can sometimes be unreliable and difficult to navigate. I hope you will be able to find information that pertains directly to your topic.
Since there are so many different websites that are labeled with the same information, it is important to know how to narrow your search. This presentation gives a detailed explanation on getting exact results during a google advanced search. It is interesting that you can actually narrow the search down to the time it was published. For my research paper I thought it would be hard to link Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, but with the advanced search I was able to get exactly what I was looking for. This is a recent update made by google, and I believe that it will become very useful in the future for both students and teachers.
Rachel, I also think this Advance Search on Google is very useful. I especially think the date and country is very helpful just like you said. For research papers you always have to make the effort to make sure the date isn't too old but this way you can make sure your articles are always current. I think picking a specific country also would come in handy if your researching an event or topic from another country.
This slideshow showed me the most useful tools for Google that I never knew about. It was extremely useful and taught me how to use Google in an extremely more advanced way since I used to just click the links off the first page. For my project, I need very detailed sources but these sources have to be very reliable. I found the most useful articles where those that were in the past. The newer articles seemed to have false information. My favorite tool was the one that let me find out what type of article I was dealing with.
Joel, I too agree with you that this advanced search is very useful. Since we have the same topic I can relate to you since it helped me relate Steve Jobs and Charles Babbage. But I would recommend that you that you try all of the other tools. You will find a lot of more information that will help you find the best ways to link Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison.@Joel McLaughlin
What really caught my attention after viewing the slideshow was how much of a difference was made by using the simple tools on the left side of the screen. Adjusting the sources to come up by the past hour or even by weeks effectively narrows down the sites very well. Also I think searching results under specific sources like The NY Times is greatly beneficial in the attempt to access reliable and accurate research information. Before I had no idea that you could type in words that you did not want found in the brought up sources via the advanced search. In the past I can definitely recall having troubles when finding sites that had a word that I typed in but at the same time had nothing to do with what I was looking for. This is an example of exactly when that tool could be needed to improve my researching.
@Joel McLaughlin Wow I did not notice that and it easily seems like finding sources that mention the connections between two different people or events would be a great help. Finding sources like that are more of the challenging ones to locate. I will make sure to keep this in mind during my further research.
I never new it was possible to narrow searches on google. In class wednesday when we discussed this, i was actually interested in learning how to use google better. Using google for my searches helped me to find more substantial sources. I think hard copy sources are easier to use, even though it takes more effort to find them. And with the advance search, that works much better with keywords in specific order than simply typing in the phrase you need. In research, this google search method is much better to find sources.
Joel, it's obvious many people agree with the point you make and I also do. I didn't know this was a recent feature added to google. maybe that's why I didn't know about it until now. I wonder how they could improve this feature though. Perhaps if google divided blog posts and informative websites, it would be better.
Google has always been a good tool for me in the past when i needed to conduct research. There was always a persistent problem whenever I did this though. My search results were always too broad. Viewing the slide show showed me how to narrow down my search results. This new knowledge will help me locate the sources I need a lot faster. I can search for sources from all periods in time and from specific publishers. The slide show is going to help me greatly when I research my new topic for the next paper and in the future.
I was also very surprised to learn about how to narrow the searches on google. It helps to eliminate the unreliable sources from the search and makes researching easy and faster. You can also pick sources from specific times which will help you with your paper.
The advanced search in google will really help on my topic in sports. Sports is such a large area and there are many different things that come up if I just generally search NCAA rules or something. With the advanced search I can help narrow my search into things like investigations NCAA has over broken rules and other areas like that. It will also help me get specifics quotes for my topic because I can find relevant quotes from players or coaches on if they believe college athletes should get paid. With the advanced search finding relevant sources will be much easier
@Sammy Testa I always use google for my sources as well Sammy. I feel the exact word filter would be very useful to both of use because sports and the NCAA are such a broad subject that we may not be able to find anything useful if we just google “NCAA violations” or something to that nature
Using an advanced Google search was something that I have done as a research method in the past. It can be effective I have found. Specifically for this research paper, I Googled Freedom Riders. I then found some related terms. I used these terms also in EBSCO host searching. I found some specific names of riders off of a web site I had found in my search. I then Googled this man's name + Freedom Riders. Google honed in on specific articles that involved this man's work with the Freedom Riders. I also did some reading in wikipedia. This helped me get a general idea of where to start searching with dates, places, act. Overall, I think Google is a great search engine to use for research.
I will like to hear how your search went with using Google. Your topic seems very broad and I think it will be interesting to see what you have honed down to after using advanced search. Sports, I'm sure, has a huge amount of coverage on the web.@wheeleraj
The presentation on Google's advanced search engine is a great way to help your research paper. It is a good thing to teach other how to use google to its largest extent, and this engine works better since it finds related people and links. And also the option to search for a specific file type will further aid my research project. So using this will not only make searching for information easier but also this will make the hard part of researching a little bit easier. In fact, I wish I had known about this method before when attempting large research projects. It would've made doing my other projects a lot less complicated.
This search engine has been extremely helpful to me! Before this I never even knew about any of it. I did not realize I could narrow my search so much. It is beneficial for many different instances. I can narrow it down to recent topics, focus on only a few words, and make sure I am only looking at certain websites. I think it is a great way to find material that is completely dealing with whatever you may be looking for. It has helped me so much so far. I am looking up information on two different Wes Moores and this has helped to research both of them. I can narrow my search so it knows which exact Wes I am looking for.
@Paige I completely agree with what you are saying. This advanced search tool on Google is so much easier and really helps to narrow down what you are looking for a research project. I hope you found all the sources you needed (:
@Benjamin Nothstein Ben I completely agree. I wish I would have known about this sooner. I think that google needs to do a better job of showing it. It seems a bit hidden to me. I think it is extremely beneficial if you know how to use it right. It has helped me a lot with my project so far.
After going through the slides of how to do a google search to find resources, I found the advanced search tips to be the most helpful. When I was looking for articles to reinforce my points on Steve Jobs being especially savvy, it was much easier to do so with the options of searching keywords and specific types of documents. After going through various pages of the advanced searches I was able to find multiple documents and websites which were helpful to my research.
Kaila, I was aware of the advanced search option as well, but had never thought about using it for the research paper before either. I also found it very effective when looking for scholarly resources since the internet is littered with resources that aren't necessarily credible.
I feel this presentation was very useful because it is true I usually always pick my sources from the first page of Google search. I didn’t know there were so many useful research tools available. I feel that the one that would be most help and the one that I would probably select for my paper was Advanced tool. I need quality articles for my paper and knowing that an articles is frequently read will be of great assistance. Also the tool that allows you to look up the type of file is very helpful. This will allow me to know exactly what type of article I am dealing with and will help me narrow down my search.
ReplyDeleteI always use either Google or Bing to search for my topic. This is a great way to narrow things down without going through pages upon pages of different links. When I searched my topic through this method I found a few of the sites that I had previously viewed were on there as well. Some things that I had not even thought about looking up in reference to crash dieting came up. It just gives me more ideas as to what I can do with this paper. This will also help to narrow down the long list of sources that I have to more of what is on here.
ReplyDeleteI agree this is a great way to help your paper. I recently started my paper and found that this was very helpful. It narrowed down my site links and it also took my paper in a different direction. It gave me extra keywords to look up my topic with and when doing so it helped specify my topic.
The presentation was very helpful in narrowing down my search for resources for my paper. I started with a basic search on serial killers and then reduced my search by advancing the reading level.6,950,00 to 50,100 wow what a difference. to advance my search even more I used the Gears advance search and looked only for pdf files since I would need a book source. The Gears advance search narrowed my search to 8,490 hits. The Google search presentation really helped me narrow my search and find reliable sources with great information.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this Google search presentation. The presentation showed me a lot of helpful tools that Google has to offer that I never knew about before. When I search for something on Google, I always look at the first pages that appear. I have never done an advanced search before. Learning about this really made me see how I can find the exact information I am looking for by doing an advanced search. It also helps to filter all the information Google has to offer. I think this will help me greatly, especially with my bibliography and works cited pages. Already, I have completed some searches and have been able to find lots of new information just based on using the advanced search. I think this is very helpful and will be a beneficial tool for our paper.
ReplyDeleteSammy, I agree with what you said about the advanced search being helpful in narrowing down your search. I think the advanced search tool is perfect for finding exactly what you are looking for. Sometimes when I am searching in Google, I may find a source that is close to what I'm looking for, but not exactly what I'm looking for. This advanced search will help to pinpoint what you are looking for and give you a more exact source. I'm looking forward to getting more information using this tool. I think it will also be beneficial when we are writing our papers because we will have information that we are confident in and that really relates perfectly to our topic.
ReplyDelete@Jackie O'Donnellim so glad you were able to find better sources for you topic. I also felt the presentation was very helpful. By advance searching for our topic you will be able to find more information such as facts instead of commercial ads on fictional products based on serial killers.
ReplyDeleteI think that this presentation was very helpful. I remember learning how to do advanced searches earlier but I never would have thought of doing this for my research paper. I am glad that you had us look into the advanced part of Google search so that now I can find sources more easily and get sources that really help me research exactly what I need. This will help me narrow down what I am trying to find and will also help me sort out the sources that are educational (.edu) from the sources that are not. I have found many interesting links for my project so far and will continue to look for sources using Google’s advanced search.
ReplyDeleteI really found this Google search presentation interesting and useful. I was not aware of all these different tools before seeing this presentation. Also, I always use the first page to get my sources, which I think is true for many people. One of the features I like the most is how it narrows everything down. This makes looking for credible and persuasive sources so much easier. When I first started using this way to look up my sources, I found some that I have already found, but when I clicked related searches, it led me to new ideas. That helped me get a lot new information that will help my research paper in the end.
ReplyDeleteVictoria I completely agree with your comments. I found this Google advanced search very helpful because it really helped narrow down my search. I feel like this way of searching has made my project ten times easier in getting the information that I need in order to write a good research paper. I am glad that it helped you narrow down your results also.
After reading this Google Search presentation, I found that there is a lot more information that can be cited for this paper. It really helped me because I can go to advanced search and look for a pdf file that will have up to date research from twenty four hours hour ago to twenty minutes ago about my topic. It is a lot more challenging to just type what you want in the google bar. It also gives you print source references that are beneficial to the works cited. I'm glad I have this to refer to for more information for my research paper.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that the advanced search really helped you with your overall argument for the research paper. It is good to know that the realted searches tab helps to find information, but do not forget that in the advanced search you can find a print source for your paper.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a good idea that you are sorting the .edu’s from everything else because you cannot always rely on .com’s since anyone can put random information on those sites. You can also use .gov and .org. They are credible sources along with your .edu sources. Hope that helps you find more reliable sources!
This presentation on implementing Google's advanced search engine will definitely help my research. I've been searching too broad when I tried the library's search engine, and this engine works better since it finds related people and links. And also the option to search for a specific file type will further aid my research project. So long as I can remember all the steps involved, this will make the hard part of researching a little bit easier. In fact, I wish I had known about this method before when attempting large research projects. It would’ve made my life so much easier.
ReplyDeletePaige, I was also intrigued by this advanced Google search. After watching the slide show presentation on how to use Google’s finer search engine, it opened up the possibilities on how to look up appropriate information on my topic. And I agree that the best features are its ability to find specific file types and time periods.
This tutorial on searching in google was very helpful and helped give me more of a direction in which to take my research paper. I thought I had narrowed by topic down fairly well but when I initially typed my topic into google I came up with over 400 thousand results. The topic I chose is a very current issue in Pennsylvania and I would like to focus on information that is current because of this. So by using the choices on the side to narrow the level of reading but also the recentness of the articles I found to very helpful. After only making a few decisions to look at articles of advanced reading that were posted within the last month decreased the results down to 248, which has made it much easier to navigate the articles and to find the most important information that will be important to my paper.
ReplyDelete@Kaila Ober
ReplyDeleteI plan on exploring the search options in google even more than I already have but I'm glad that you mentioned about searching the .edu because I had not realized that you could do that. I think that would be a good thing for everyone to do because often times websites that are .edu, .gov, etc. have more reliable information than .com.
The Google search presentation was very helpful because since most people whenever they want to do a search or look something up they use a Google search but many of them do not even know all of the resources and tools that Google offers. Since Goggles offers so many choices it is simpler to just look at the first page and hope that we are using the most reliable and accurate information. By narrowing down our choice we can focus more specific on our topics and use more advanced and updated information. for my research paper I plan on using more of the advanced search engines tools offered by Goggle.
ReplyDelete@Shaina Shaina, I agree that the Google search presentation was very helpful.I think it was a good idea to narrow down your search to use more updated information but i think that maybe you could use even more specific to narrow down because even though 248 could give you a lot of options it could also be a lot to look at but i guess is better than 400 thousand.
ReplyDeleteThis video was very helpful in helping me find the sources that I need to perfect my paper. I believe that it is very true, most people choose an item off of the first page of Google and go with it. With the advanced Google Search we can have more of a variety of sources that hold more information. I expect that this video will help me out a lot in finding my sources.
ReplyDelete@Kaila Ober
ReplyDeleteNot only will it help you narrow down what you are trying to find but it gives you a greater amount of information that you can use in your paper. It can also help you in other papers for other classes which is a great thing to have. The advanced search helps with not only this kind of research paper but papers for other topics as well!
This blog was very helpful in finding better more precise sources. My topic is money in sports and when I searched for information within my topic, almost everything I got from the first few pages in google search was opinions. Obviously when writing a research paper, opinion articles aren't much help. The slide that showed the reading level and file format search was the one that helped me the most. From those two specifications, I was able to find better sources that had studies behind them and offical reports from the MLB about tickets etc. I will definately be using these tips more and more!
ReplyDelete@Paige The file format search tool was the biggest help to me too. Most or all of my previous search results were discussions and news articles. With the pdf results I got back studies and offical reports which gave me better more accurate information. The print source reference part is also very useful. The time specific tool I don't feel its needed up to twenty minutes ago unless that topic is currently being expanded.
ReplyDeleteI have to say, I can find almost anything on Google and use search modifiers like those shown, but I never knew about the "reading level" option! I couldn't believe it when I tried it because every time I search for academic stuff for class I always end up looking through one by one to pick out the ones that are journal articles/studies/etc, but with this feature I just chose advanced reading level and most of the results were academic type work. It's especially helpful because this paper focuses a lot on Facebook, and a regular search for anything with Facebook brings up tons of irrelevant links. I'll be doing some searching with this new method on Google and see what I come up with, but I've actually had some good results with the EBSCOhost search from the library. I tried it previously and wasn't really impressed, but this time it has been very helpful.
ReplyDelete@Ben Donley
ReplyDeletePersonally, I got the best results by setting the 'reading level' option to advanced. I wanted to respond to your comment the library search though; I wasn't able to get much helpful information from the library search on my last paper, but I think it depends on the topic, so you might want to keep it in mind and try it again sometime. I got much better results for the topic for this paper I'm doing now. Everything that it brings up is academic articles and books, etc. There are some advanced search options there too if you need them, but I haven't had to use them.
I feel that knowing this now would help me go beyond just the first page of Google so I can find more sources that I probably wouldn't have found if I didn't go through all these steps. For my Research Paper I mostly found my sources by either the first page of Google or by the library search at the Millersville homepage. Next time I have to do a research project I will use this so I can find more sources. What I found surprising was that this Advance Search of Google has so many steps so you can lower the results or hits you get at the beginning of your search.
ReplyDeleteThis slide presentation and discussion in class really helped me figure out how to find information. Before this I never used the advanced search options. I feel that this will help me in the long run, not only for this paper, but for papers to come. It is amazing how much information Google has, and how much it can mislead you. This presentation will surely keep me away from sites that will offer me little to no help at all.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to research papers you need many reliable sources, but who says you can't use an opinion article? You can say "In (article name here), (insert author name) says...." This can help with both sides of an argument, or even give a perspective from a professional. A research paper is the perfect time to give everyone's point of view.
After seeing this presentation it is going to help me so much with the research for my paper. For every paper I always use Google to look for sources so now it is going to be nice to find sources that will actually pertain to my topic. Also these sources will be great sources because of the advance search and of the reading level. I never knew that you could change the reading level I am so excited to find this out and use it for my research. I also like that you can pick a specific date to look for in your search and also a specific country.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that this presentation was very helpful for this project and also future projects as well. I liked how you mentioned that Google has so much information and now that with this advance search it is going to make searching so much easier and faster as well.
While viewing the presentation and completing my own version of it I came across a few interesting points and sources that I had not thought of searching.
ReplyDeleteA lot of what I found in the initial search was about crimes impact on media which doesn't have anything to do with my thesis. After narrowing down the reading levels and making my search more specific I came began to find information that was more suited to my topic.
ReplyDeleteRachel, I'm glad you found a better way to use Google since the internet can sometimes be unreliable and difficult to navigate. I hope you will be able to find information that pertains directly to your topic.
Since there are so many different websites that are labeled with the same information, it is important to know how to narrow your search. This presentation gives a detailed explanation on getting exact results during a google advanced search. It is interesting that you can actually narrow the search down to the time it was published. For my research paper I thought it would be hard to link Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, but with the advanced search I was able to get exactly what I was looking for. This is a recent update made by google, and I believe that it will become very useful in the future for both students and teachers.
ReplyDelete@ Rachel
ReplyDeleteRachel, I also think this Advance Search on
Google is very useful. I especially think the date and country is very helpful just like you said. For research papers you always have to make the effort to make sure the date isn't too old but this way you can make sure your articles are always current. I think picking a specific country also would come in handy if your researching an event or topic from another country.
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ReplyDeleteThis slideshow showed me the most useful tools for Google that I never knew about. It was extremely useful and taught me how to use Google in an extremely more advanced way since I used to just click the links off the first page. For my project, I need very detailed sources but these sources have to be very reliable. I found the most useful articles where those that were in the past. The newer articles seemed to have false information. My favorite tool was the one that let me find out what type of article I was dealing with.
ReplyDeleteJoel, I too agree with you that this advanced search is very useful. Since we have the same topic I can relate to you since it helped me relate Steve Jobs and Charles Babbage. But I would recommend that you that you try all of the other tools. You will find a lot of more information that will help you find the best ways to link Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison.@Joel McLaughlin
ReplyDeleteWhat really caught my attention after viewing the slideshow was how much of a difference was made by using the simple tools on the left side of the screen. Adjusting the sources to come up by the past hour or even by weeks effectively narrows down the sites very well. Also I think searching results under specific sources like The NY Times is greatly beneficial in the attempt to access reliable and accurate research information. Before I had no idea that you could type in words that you did not want found in the brought up sources via the advanced search. In the past I can definitely recall having troubles when finding sites that had a word that I typed in but at the same time had nothing to do with what I was looking for. This is an example of exactly when that tool could be needed to improve my researching.
ReplyDelete@Joel McLaughlin
ReplyDeleteWow I did not notice that and it easily seems like finding sources that mention the connections between two different people or events would be a great help. Finding sources like that are more of the challenging ones to locate. I will make sure to keep this in mind during my further research.
I never new it was possible to narrow searches on google. In class wednesday when we discussed this, i was actually interested in learning how to use google better. Using google for my searches helped me to find more substantial sources. I think hard copy sources are easier to use, even though it takes more effort to find them. And with the advance search, that works much better with keywords in specific order than simply typing in the phrase you need. In research, this google search method is much better to find sources.
ReplyDelete@ Joel
ReplyDeleteJoel, it's obvious many people agree with the point you make and I also do. I didn't know this was a recent feature added to google. maybe that's why I didn't know about it until now. I wonder how they could improve this feature though. Perhaps if google divided blog posts and informative websites, it would be better.
Google has always been a good tool for me in the past when i needed to conduct research. There was always a persistent problem whenever I did this though. My search results were always too broad. Viewing the slide show showed me how to narrow down my search results. This new knowledge will help me locate the sources I need a lot faster. I can search for sources from all periods in time and from specific publishers. The slide show is going to help me greatly when I research my new topic for the next paper and in the future.
ReplyDelete@Darren Kushto
ReplyDeleteI was also very surprised to learn about how to narrow the searches on google. It helps to eliminate the unreliable sources from the search and makes researching easy and faster. You can also pick sources from specific times which will help you with your paper.
The advanced search in google will really help on my topic in sports. Sports is such a large area and there are many different things that come up if I just generally search NCAA rules or something. With the advanced search I can help narrow my search into things like investigations NCAA has over broken rules and other areas like that. It will also help me get specifics quotes for my topic because I can find relevant quotes from players or coaches on if they believe college athletes should get paid. With the advanced search finding relevant sources will be much easier
ReplyDelete@Sammy Testa I always use google for my sources as well Sammy. I feel the exact word filter would be very useful to both of use because sports and the NCAA are such a broad subject that we may not be able to find anything useful if we just google “NCAA violations” or something to that nature
ReplyDeleteUsing an advanced Google search was something that I have done as a research method in the past. It can be effective I have found. Specifically for this research paper, I Googled Freedom Riders. I then found some related terms. I used these terms also in EBSCO host searching. I found some specific names of riders off of a web site I had found in my search. I then Googled this man's name + Freedom Riders. Google honed in on specific articles that involved this man's work with the Freedom Riders. I also did some reading in wikipedia. This helped me get a general idea of where to start searching with dates, places, act. Overall, I think Google is a great search engine to use for research.
ReplyDeleteI will like to hear how your search went with using Google. Your topic seems very broad and I think it will be interesting to see what you have honed down to after using advanced search. Sports, I'm sure, has a huge amount of coverage on the web.@wheeleraj
ReplyDeleteThe presentation on Google's advanced search engine is a great way to help your research paper. It is a good thing to teach other how to use google to its largest extent, and this engine works better since it finds related people and links. And also the option to search for a specific file type will further aid my research project. So using this will not only make searching for information easier but also this will make the hard part of researching a little bit easier. In fact, I wish I had known about this method before when attempting large research projects. It would've made doing my other projects a lot less complicated.
ReplyDeleteThis search engine has been extremely helpful to me! Before this I never even knew about any of it. I did not realize I could narrow my search so much. It is beneficial for many different instances. I can narrow it down to recent topics, focus on only a few words, and make sure I am only looking at certain websites. I think it is a great way to find material that is completely dealing with whatever you may be looking for. It has helped me so much so far. I am looking up information on two different Wes Moores and this has helped to research both of them. I can narrow my search so it knows which exact Wes I am looking for.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with what you are saying. This advanced search tool on Google is so much easier and really helps to narrow down what you are looking for a research project. I hope you found all the sources you needed (:
@Benjamin Nothstein Ben I completely agree. I wish I would have known about this sooner. I think that google needs to do a better job of showing it. It seems a bit hidden to me. I think it is extremely beneficial if you know how to use it right. It has helped me a lot with my project so far.
ReplyDeleteAfter going through the slides of how to do a google search to find resources, I found the advanced search tips to be the most helpful. When I was looking for articles to reinforce my points on Steve Jobs being especially savvy, it was much easier to do so with the options of searching keywords and specific types of documents. After going through various pages of the advanced searches I was able to find multiple documents and websites which were helpful to my research.
ReplyDeleteKaila, I was aware of the advanced search option as well, but had never thought about using it for the research paper before either. I also found it very effective when looking for scholarly resources since the internet is littered with resources that aren't necessarily credible.