Dr. Archibald’s ENGL 110
Peer Editing Process: The 3Research Project
Reviewers name: __________________________________
Paper author’s name: _______________________________
Has the writer written a research paper . . .
__that joins a conversation (where there is a controversy), that listens to others who have been talking about the topic (old and new docs & sources), and then posits a unique idea(s) in an effort to extend the discussion?
__Or, is the paper substantially a report (a "data-dump") of what others have said?
__Or, is it an extended opinion piece that gives no support for the writer's ideas?
__Or, is it merely plagiarized? (this item trumps everything else and results in an "F" in the course.
[opening & introduction]
__that contains an opening to the paper that hooks the reader and introduces the writer and his/her purpose for writing the essay? Is there a forecast of what the paper will contain?
[use of research question & thesis]
__where they employ their research question that then is answered in a thesis and set forward in the paper?
[use of sources]
__where the writer introduce his/her sources, summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote them, and then provide a comment for each one that advances their thesis?
[paragraph construction]
__that contains an argument that flows--claim, support, result?
__that contains a conclusion that works to sum up or extend the ideas of the paper?
[works cited and in-text citations]
__that contains well integrated sources, a Works Cited page, and In-text citations conform to the MLA format?
[sentence-level rhetoric]
__where the writer has edited the paper carefully for grammatical and punctuation errors?
Peer Editing Process: The 3Research Project
Reviewers name: __________________________________
Paper author’s name: _______________________________
Has the writer written a research paper . . .
__that joins a conversation (where there is a controversy), that listens to others who have been talking about the topic (old and new docs & sources), and then posits a unique idea(s) in an effort to extend the discussion?
__Or, is the paper substantially a report (a "data-dump") of what others have said?
__Or, is it an extended opinion piece that gives no support for the writer's ideas?
__Or, is it merely plagiarized? (this item trumps everything else and results in an "F" in the course.
[opening & introduction]
__that contains an opening to the paper that hooks the reader and introduces the writer and his/her purpose for writing the essay? Is there a forecast of what the paper will contain?
[use of research question & thesis]
__where they employ their research question that then is answered in a thesis and set forward in the paper?
[use of sources]
__where the writer introduce his/her sources, summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote them, and then provide a comment for each one that advances their thesis?
[paragraph construction]
__that contains an argument that flows--claim, support, result?
__that contains a conclusion that works to sum up or extend the ideas of the paper?
[works cited and in-text citations]
__that contains well integrated sources, a Works Cited page, and In-text citations conform to the MLA format?
[sentence-level rhetoric]
__where the writer has edited the paper carefully for grammatical and punctuation errors?