Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Peer review sheet for 3ResProj

Dr. Archibald’s ENGL 110

Peer Editing Process: The 3Research Project

Reviewers name: __________________________________

Paper author’s name: _______________________________

Has the writer written a research paper . . .

__that joins a conversation (where there is a controversy), that listens to others who have been talking about the topic (old and new docs & sources), and then posits a unique idea(s) in an effort to extend the discussion?
__Or, is the paper substantially a report (a "data-dump") of what others have said?
__Or, is it an extended opinion piece that gives no support for the writer's ideas?
__Or, is it merely plagiarized? (this item trumps everything else and results in an "F" in the course.

[opening & introduction]
__that contains an opening to the paper that hooks the reader and introduces the writer and his/her purpose for writing the essay? Is there a forecast of what the paper will contain?

[use of research question & thesis]
__where they employ their research question that then is answered in a thesis and set forward in the paper?

[use of sources]
__where the writer introduce his/her sources, summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote them, and then provide a comment for each one that advances their thesis?

[paragraph construction]
__that contains an argument that flows--claim, support, result?

__that contains a conclusion that works to sum up or extend the ideas of the paper?

[works cited and in-text citations]
__that contains well integrated sources, a Works Cited page, and In-text citations conform to the MLA format?

[sentence-level rhetoric]
__where the writer has edited the paper carefully for grammatical and punctuation errors?


  1. I feel like the course blog was of great assistance in breaking down the essays we were required to read. It helped in the evaluation of the final research paper and also helped reevaluate my own essay. I looked at each of the categories and thought on what I could improve. One thing I need to improve in my research paper that was in the category (medium) was including both documents in the essay. I feel like I mainly just focused on persuading my reader about the importance of the fan and excluded the connection between all three of the documents. I also feel like I need a more distinct thesis statement that clearly identifies my topic.

  2. This blog was a great help to use after I wrote my rough draft to go in the paper and see what I did well or needed to add. Things I did well were the story in the beginning of my paper. I believe it will get the reader interested and adds along with what my purpose is to writing this research paper. Also, my forecast contains what the paper is going to be about. Some of the things I needed to fix were using my two documents, the new and old one. I needed to make my conclusion better as well. I think these rubrics will help everyone with editing their own paper and when peer editing our classmates.

  3. Sammy,
    I also had to use my two documents better throughout my paper. When I went back through my paper, I basically just added quotes from the two documents to help with what I was trying to explain or persuade. Once you add that extra information, it brings all your papers together in the end.

  4. I think that having this blog to look at and go back to when you are questioning if you have done your paper in right has been a great help. For me I found a lot of sources and found that it was very easy to just throw in this person said this and that. However I would rather use quoting people sparingly. Goings against what is viewed as the norm has proven to be a challenge. Where I get hung up on all of my papers is at the end trying to tie together all of my ideas. That is where I need to focus as I think that the main part of the paper has a lot to offer.

  5. Lauren,
    I feel like adding quotes to your paper to really connect the two documents is a good idea. I might use that suggestion and apply it to my own paper. I feel like you really need that one key concept between the three documents in order to really make a connection.

  6. I think this peer review sheet really helped me make sure I had the necessary things in my paper. By reading this I was able to figure out some things that I needed to add or change, I also was reassured about some things that I did well. One thing I need to fix in my paper is that I need to clearly state the controversy of my topic at the beginning of my paper instead of just listing facts. I also may need to make my research question more clear at the beginning of my paper and clearly answer it towards the end. Some things that I did well was that I did have a forecast at the beginning of paper and I also think that I had a great attention grabber by adding an interesting story that was really specific to my topic.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. @Lauren
    I think this rubric was also very helpful to reassure that you are including all the necessary things in your paper. Like you, I also think that my introduction story that I added was a good way to grab the attention of my readers. I think that if you also talked about your old and new document, this will help support the ideas that you already have and give examples on other thoughts about your issue. Overall, it seems like you are on the right track and that you know exactly the things you need to work on to make your paper better.

  9. This peer review sheet helped me to understand what I needed to add in my paper. The only thing that I might have to change a little bit is connecting my research question to the paper. I have a clear thesis and an argument but, I need that research question to be incorporated for a better understanding for the reader. I believe that I have everything else I need for this research paper, and I am going to wait to hear from my peer reviewers. It is good to have a clear rubric in order to write a solid, functional paper.

  10. Irene,
    I am glad that you pointed out that you need a clear controversy statement. The argument you are trying to make is the basis of your paper and it is very important. I also have to make changes to my research question. Don't forget that this links to your argument and your thesis. Overall, I think you will be absolutely fine with this paper.

  11. The peer review sheet will definitely be helpful in reviewing my own paper but also when it comes to reading the other papers. The review sheet clearly lays out everything that we should include in our paper and it's organized in a way that is easy to relate to our papers. When I review my paper there are several things that I do not think are completely fulfilled according to this review sheet. One of the major things I need to do is to introduce the two previous documents that I used in my previous paper. I don't think I will have a problem doing this because they relate to my topic and it will also make my argument stronger when I add them. I also need to add my research topic to the paper because I don't think I adequately included that before I stated my thesis. Overall, after using this review sheet to think about my own paper I am fairly happy with how it is going so far and with the addition of these two things it can only get better.

  12. @Natasha Mosier

    I agree that this blog is a good way to question what you have already written, and to evaluate and revise it. Something that helps me to tie together the end of the paper is to look at what you have written in your forcast and introduction. It sometimes helps to repeat some of the ideas that you stated in those paragraphs (but also changing the wording). Also keep in mind how the body of your paragraph relates to your thesis and your research question. I hope this helps with the conclusion to your paper.

  13. This blog on peer reviews is really going to help me with my paper and seeing what I need to fix. This tells me exactly what I need to have and also what I need to fix in order for my paper tome ten times better. Some of the things that I need to fix are that I need to add my work cited page to my paper because this is something that I forgot to add. I also need to fix my conclusion. I need to find a better way to wrap up my paper. This blog is sure to really help me also to peer review the other papers of my classmates.

  14. @Shaina
    I agree that this peer review sheet is going to be helpful not just for me but for the other paper that I will be peer reviewing. This sheet also helped me realize what I forgot or need to explain better in my paper just like it did for you also.

  15. After taking a look at the Peer review sheet for the 3ResProj blog post, I have a better idea of what I am supposed to be looking for when reviewing other people's papers and also what I should look for in my own paper. I think this is a great rubric that will help us to make sure our papers our on track. While taking a look at what I could fix in my own paper, I think that I could definately use to add more citations in my paper. I think this is a very important part of my paper that I need to focus more on. By looking at the review sheet I can see what exactly should be edited and it will give me a better idea of how to edit other people's paper. This will be a very good tool to clean up our papers.

  16. Rachel, I need to fix some of the same things you are fixing in your paper. I really need to add citations to my paper and add to my works cited page. This is such an important part of our papers and in order to have a complete paper, citations and a strong works cited page are necessary. It sounds like you have the right idea of how to use the review sheet to correct other people's papers and your own paper as well. I believe that you are taking full advantage of the review sheet so that you can make the papers the best they can be. This is great! I think you are on the right track!

  17. By reading the blog post it helped me to be able to find places in my paper to make it longer for a while i found it difficult to include all the necessary information because when i wrote the original first five pages i packed it with tons of information. It will also help me to make sure the necessary parts of my fellow classmates' papers are fully written out and make sense. Peer reviewing helped me to see what others wrote and also helped me to see what my paper needed. the check list is a great way to keep me focused .

  18. @Jackie O'Donnell Adding citations to your paper is very important, you would not want to be accused of plagiarism. It is something that many people struggle with. I feel i have a problem adding too much citation to the point like the peer review sheet stated it would become a data dump. It is important to keep balance.

  19. This post will be very helpful in understanding what should and should not be in a research paper. For instance the part where it says, is this merely a data-bump? This statement is saying that anyone's paper should be regurgitated statistics and comments, but should have interesting explainations, connections, and arguements. My paper has a lot of numbers in it and in order to keep out of that data bump category, I will have to expand on what those numbers mean.

  20. @Rachel I found that writing my conclusion has been harder then I thought. I know the conclusion is supposed to summarize the paper. I did not know that it should also extend the ideas of the paper. I will have to go in and redo my conclusion to conform to this rubric.

  21. I think that looking at this peer review sheet is going to be very helpful to review while peer editing the paper and see what specific details they should had included, things that we might have no otherwise looked for in the paper for example when talking about the medium, I probably would had not even thought about that. I also I think that this is going to be helpful in writing my own paper because I can go in and find those things and see if I included those information and if I did a good job on it.

  22. The peer review sheet was a great way for us to learn how to correctly peer edit. It broke what peer editing is and how we should think about it in our own minds. For my topic it also gives me a list of things to read over when I’m editing my paper on my own. It has the questions I should be asking myself and if I’m being clear enough with the with what im talking about with the NCAA. I have already used the use of sources help in order for to better represent my sources that I used.

  23. @dmlongI agree with you the importance of balancing the paper and not it just being a data-bump because sometimes having all those numbers could mean nothing if it is not supported by meaningful interesting information. In my paper I used a lot less numbers and instead tried to find another ways to make the same point without having to include numbers so the audience and connect better.

  24. @Jackie O'Donnell
    That’s exactly how I saw it after reading the sheet Jackie. The only difference for me was I need to focus on placing them better so my paper makes more sense. A lot of sources are great for making sure you have the information to back up what your arguing but if it’s all jumbled throughout the paper the quality drops

  25. I believe that this review sheet will help guide all the peer editors in what to look for in everyone's papers. Now looking at both of my rough drafts I still feel like I need to improve on presenting the connections that I made between my two main documents more clearly. This is important because it explains how I, the writer came to develop my research question and thesis. Also in doing so I should use more quotes, paraphrases, and integrated sources. While these are required in the first place they also provide the strong support for your ideas and opinions which is also necessary to be included throughout the paper.

  26. @Sammy Testa
    It seems like you and I share the near exact same ideas of what improvements are needed in both of our papers. I plan on adding the forecast and insuring that my thesis is in line with the entire paper after I know my paper is 100% complete. I thought this suggestion may provide some helpful assistance.

  27. this peer review sheet looks like it is like a guideline sheet, only from a peer editor. It is very organized and looks like it will give good guidelines for the writer of each paper. I keep forgetting that we need to talk about and include the synthesis and two documents from the previous papers. This peer editor sheet should help give good feedback on how to introduce those sources early on so the reader understands the purpose of the research paper. It also asks if the paper has become a "data-dump." I probably am guilty of giving a lot of information from my sources. I will have to edit that aspect of my paper. I like the purpose of the peer editing rubric.

  28. @Westin

    Half way down your post, you mention about adding more information from your sources. I am at the other end of the spectrum and need to decrease how much information I included. Be careful not too overload the paper with quotes and citations to take up space. It just as important to guide your reader in the research paper by explaining your reasoning for the thesis you establish at the beginning of the paper. good luck on your paper!

  29. This peer review sheet was such a wonderful help! I never quite know what to look for when I am peer editing someone's paper. This helped us step by step. Also, it could help us a lot with our own paper. While I was editing my classmates I realized that there was a lot I could take from this peer review sheet and look for mistakes on my own. I definitely need to do a better job with my sources all together, and it seemed that the other two papers I reviewed had the same problem. We first of all were not citing our paper, or introducing our sources well. Secondly, we did not even have our work cites uploaded to our paper. This was a very big help for peer editing.

  30. @Gabby Gabby I agree. This was a huge help when editing our peers papers. It is hard to know exactly what to look for when you are editing a paper. This peer review sheet helped us step by step, but it also gave us the option to slide in all of our own opinions.

  31. The second draft of my research paper for peer reviews is not a final draft version, so I know some things are missing, but the peer review sheet helped me find items I didn't realize needed work. For medium, I believe I join the conversation about online privacy and I listen to others. I will propose a new idea as well, which is the part that I am focusing on currently. My opening introduces the purpose for the essay and provides a forecast. I don't think it really "hooks" the reader yet. I include my thesis in the introduction but haven't included my actual research question in that form. This is something I overlooked. I paraphrase and quote a number of sources to support my ideas. My paragraphs have claims and support in them, but will need revised to improve flow. I have not written my conclusion yet. My sources are all cited in MLA format both in-text and on the Works Cited page. I believe my sentences have correct grammar and punctuation, though again I plan to revise this significantly to improve flow. I also think the paper is going to end up too long and will need to be edited in that manner. I have included details in some cases that are likely unnecessary which I can summarize in order to reduce length.

  32. @Jenna
    I used the review sheet to find things in my paper I wasn't aware needed to be worked on too. You mentioned introducing sources, I wasn't quite sure about that when I saw it in the review sheet because I have a lot of sources for different things and I haven't introduced any of them, just quote/paraphrase and cite and comment. I think I will probably just choose a few of the most important sources to explicitly introduce.

  33. @jenna I think the peer review sheet also helped me like it helped you. My sources were not integrated correctly and this sheet will help greatly in the paper that Dr. Archibald gave us. I wish that it explained thoroughly how to integrate sources but now I know and my paper will be much more professional and it will help much more now that I know.

  34. My paper is being edited by Jenna and Ben. I graded Jenna and Paige's paper. Jenna didn't present a clear argument while Paige did. Both of their papers seemed plagiarized because they had specific facts that aren't background knowledge without citations. Paige had a very good and clear introduction while Jenna's was unclear. I couldn't decipher what the argument she was proposing. Paige's argument was clear throughout the paper while Jenna's was difficult to tell after reading her report. They both summarized their conclusions very well but only Paige had a work cited page.

  35. AJ, I think you should go back into the papers you have to peer edit because it will help you step by step to help you edit their papers. I made a lot of corrections to Paige and Jenna's paper because of this blog. I believe it will extremely help them write their final research papers.@wheeleraj

  36. I think that this editing sheet will be very helpful when I am looking at my paper, as well as when I am peer reviewing the papers of the people in my group. There are many things that it highlights such as whether or not that paper contains too many “data-dumps” and also if the paper has a good introduction. I will make sure that he paper I am editing has a good introduction by seeing if it has catchy start that grabs the reader’s attention, a good forecast, and a well written thesis. This checklist will help keep me on track with what needs to be fixed in the paper.

  37. @Lauren Sotzin
    I agree, I feel that by adding an interesting start to our papers, that it will better catch the reader's attention.I think that this peer review sheet is very helpful for many reasons, and will definitely help with correcting our papers.

  38. After reading through the peer review sheet, I know how I am to read my peer's papers. I am to critique their methods of relating and persuading in their argument. In regards to my own paper, I thought maybe that I did not include enough of my own thoughts about each sub point. In my revision, I want to work through that and maybe add a few more opinions or anecdotes from Southern Horrors or the essay about the Freedom Riders.

  39. @Kaila Ober
    I agree with your insight into what we are to look for in our peer's papers. I was focusing more on what the bulk of the body of the paper looks like, but the introduction and forecast are important also. I will keep that in mind when looking at the papers I am going to review, as well as my own.

  40. This sheet has helped me examine what I need to fix in my paper, and what I need to point out in others papers. This is a great guide for anyone that still has questions about their paper. I am reviewing Bobby and Scott's paper and them to mine. Hopefully they shall look over my paper and find any mistakes I could not catch myself. Unfortunately, I have not been able to put this review sheet into action because they have not shared their papers with me.

  41. This really came in handy when I was putting together my paper and I'm glad I was able to look at it and have some help reviewing my paper.

  42. @Lauren Sotzin

    I think re-doing section of my research paper after reading this was really bright, especially making it in such a way where repetition and forecasting was strong.
